Tuesday 12 February 2019

Decoupage Creativity with Tina Ollett

Hello Papericious friends. A big warm welcome from sunny and warm Queensland, Australia.
For the past few weeks here we have been treated to some very spectacular warmish weather. So being inside in the airconditioning has been where I can be found playing today especially with the ever so gorgeous Decoupage Papers "Flora Season".
And this is my finished project. 

I decided upon using these Decoupage papers to keep the sizing in A4. So I used a piece of thick chipboard to back my first piece of paper. I used Gel Glue to do this then primed my Decoupage Sheet with clear Gesso. Using a dry brush with white gesso and a mix of Liquid Pearls colours (Rose Gold, Orchid, and White Opal), I painted my background page. I also made some white splatters with a watered down mix of white gesso.
I then primed both my Collage Chippis with White Gesso. They are as below... are they pretty ?
I then went on to dress the chippis with my mix of Liquid Pearl Colours as previously noted. I used just the nozzle to apply and then allowed them to partly dry. I then used a pointed tool to blend the colours a little.

I have added in some white muslin along with white lace to soften my project.

How gorgeous is the wings from the Collage Chippies. Stunning chipboard pieces. 

Above you can see the colours on the Collage Chippi pieces and the dimension added by the liquid pearls. I also added in some material flowers along with leaves from my very old stash. These were all dry brushed and coloured with Liquid Pearls as well. 

You can also see the layers of the second piece of Decoupage that I used as matting for my photo. These pieces were sanded a little to show through the white core to keep with the shabby theme of my project.

Well that is all from me today. Thank you so much for dropping by. I do hope I have inspired you in some small way to create something for yourself this week. Even if it is something small.

Until next time take care and happy crafting.

Tina x