Friday 8 December 2017

Winter scene Diorama card

Hi everyone, 
Lets me begin with a warning for a photo heavy post. I would be using the new Papericious release Winter Rimes. This paper pack is just perfect for your winter projects. Its always great to send some handmade greetings to your loved ones.
I have created a Diorama card with winter theme. Diorama cards are wonderful for building 3D scene with few simple steps. There are several ways to create diorama cards. Today I want to share with you one very simple one. 
So sit back,relax and have some hot coffee.
1. Take two cardstock pcs (outer most layers)  6" x 8" and score both at 2" and and 6".
2. Take two more cardstock pcs( inner layers) 7"x 6" and score at 0.5" from both ends.
3. Diorama cards have windows and nesting dies are best to create these on the various layers of the card. Here I have used the biggest die (Memory Box stitched squares). You can use any shape to create these windows. 

4. The best way to align window openings in all the layers is to use the bigger opening as a template to position the smaller one. 

5. I  have also used  adhesive backed silver glitter paper to go around the window openings on the inner layers. 

6. Since these are great for building scenes lets start with some fussy cutting. This paper pack prints help you create a scene. 
7. After fussy cutting I have used versamark pen on the edges and used the WOW white glitter embossing powder .To give a little dimension I have used nuvo drops .

8. Add a little dimension to the top layer of the card using stencil and papericious crackle paste. The paste gives great result .
 9. Add the fussy cut images to the inner card layers as per your scene.
 10. Add two way tape on the scored edges of the two inner layers and adhere these layers to both sides of the outer blue cardstock.


This is how the scene looks like when all layers come together. You can just add one inner layer also.  

Hope you get inspired to try this easy 3 dimensional card. Do leave some love in the comments.

Supplies used

Keep crafting!.